Ceylon Tea Logo

How to Find Purest Ceylon Tea?

Ceylon Tea Logo

Ceylon Tea logo gives complete assurance of the products which are having that logo on the packs. The products which are having the Ceylon Tea logo only come from Sri Lanka as single-origin tea. We Darkley Tea guarantees for 100% Pure Ceylon Tea packed in Sri Lanka. Because all our products are having the Ceylon Tea logo on our packages. Only the finest Ceylon teas are selected and go through a strict legal and quality assurance test and stamped as a quality assurance under the Ceylon Tea logo.

Ceylon Tea Logo: The Lion Logo

The Lion Logo which appears on Ceylon Tea packs denotes not only the country of origin but also the quality of Ceylon Tea. The Sri Lanka Tea Board is the legitimate owner of the Ceylon Tea Lion logo which has been registered in many countries in the world.

The usage of the Lion Logo is subject to the following conditions:

  • The Lion Logo can be used only on consumer packs of Ceylon Tea
  • The packs should contain 100% pure Ceylon Tea
  • The brands which use the Lion Logo should be packed in Sri Lanka. Overseas Importers/packers are not allowed to use the Lion Logo on their tea packs even if the packs contain pure Ceylon Tea
  • The brands which use the Lion Logo should conform to the quality standards set out by the Sri Lanka Tea Board
Lion Logo

Lion Logo


