Our Tea

Our tea grows in the salubrious plains and highlands of Sri Lanka, covered with blanket of silver mist and filled with fresh breath of clean nature.

For the production of the highest grade of Ceylon tea, the upper kidney with the two tea leaves, surrounding it only on the side branches of the bush is manually pulled out.


From these carefully handpicked teas, we select only the best varieties, which after passing traditional processing, becomes Pure Ceylon Tea.

Using unique recipes, we create classic and exceptional blends of tea, filled with aroma of ancient history of tea.


Our tea collection includes various blends of classic Ceylon black and green teas.


We also offer our new exclusive collections of herbal, fruit and flavored teas which is the result of the careful work of our tea experts.

We guarantee for 100% Pure Ceylon Tea packed in Sri Lanka. Only the finest Ceylon teas are selected and go through a strict legal and quality assurance test and stamped as a quality assurance under lion logo (Lion logo: Ceylon Tea, Symbol of quality).


All our teas are 100% ozone-friendly. When you reach out for a cup of Darkley Tea, you’re not just refreshing yourself; you’re also helping refresh and renew an environment resource critically important to all life on earth.

